Proposed zoning changed for bush blocks
Gosford Council made a number of changes to the proposed zoning of a number of bush blocks around the Peninsula when it adopted its new planning scheme last month.
The council resolved to zone parts of several lots in Woy Woy Rd, Woy Woy Bay, E1 as the land was now part of Brisbane Water National Park.
Previously, the council had proposed to zone the land E2.
Changes were also made to lots in Palmers Lane, Kendall Rd, Sher Close and Empire Bay Dr, Empire Bay.
These sites were changed from RE1 to E1 as they were incorporated in an expansion of Cockle Bay Nature Reserve last year.
Nine lots on Woy Woy Rd, Horsfield Bay, on the bend near Culgoa Rd were rezoned from RE1 to SP2 as the lots formed part of a road reserve.
Two lots on Fraser Rd, Killcare, were changed from E2 to E5 as the lots were now included in COSS.
The Jacqueline Ave Bush Reserve in Killcare Heights, was changed from E1 to RE1.
Council staff said the lot was Council-owned and should not be included in E1 as it was classified as community land.
The Baden St Playground, Killcare, was also changed from E1 to RE1.
An access way to Putty Beach Reserve in Anthony Cres, Killcare, was rezoned from R2 to RE1 as the lot was classified community land.
Council Agenda ENV.34, 31 May 2011