Water conservation grants announced
Member for Robertson Mr Jim Lloyd is encouraging Peninsula community groups to apply for water conservation funding.
The first $48 million in grant funding was available for local community groups to fund water conservation and quality protection projects, he said.
"By providing funding assistance at this grass roots level, we help community groups save a precious resource, set an example for others to follow and also save money on expenses.
"Imagine the savings across the Peninsula if we were able to encourage every school, sportsground, bowling club, tennis club and golf course to pursue water saving initiatives," Mr Lloyd said.
"The Community Water Grants program provides up to $50,000 for local organisations to implement practical ideas and on-the-ground projects that encourage better water use and water health," Mr Lloyd said.
"Already 27 groups around the country have received funding for projects that demonstrate a range of simple but smart water saving ideas."
Funding of up to $50,000 will be provided for on-ground projects that demonstrate direct water savings, efficiency and/or benefits to surface or groundwater health, and can demonstrate a clear public benefit.
Application forms and guidelines are available from www.communitywatergrants.gov.au or by contacting 1800 780 730.
Applications close on October 4.
Press release, June 30
Fiona Telford, Office of Mr Jim Lloyd MP