Seniors living decision deferred
Gosford Council has deferred making a decision on six two-storey senior living dwellings at 271-273 Ocean Beach Rd, Umina, to allow a site inspection.
The development application includes the demolition of the existing structure and is on land zoned Residential 2(a).
The development application was referred to council because on March 12, 2002, council resolved that "all SEPP 5 in-fill housing development applications recommended for approval to be submitted to council for determination".
The development application was advertised and one public submission was received relating to the privacy of neighbouring residences and the locality of a metal power pole.
Council officers noted that council was forced by State Government legislation to consider in-fill SEPP 5 developments in 2(a) residential zone.
The council opposes the policy and has sought an exemption from the Minister from this type of development in Gosford City, as council has submitted a strategy for aged, disabled persons and affordable housing.
The application was received on August 3 last year and has been recommended for approval by council officers.
Council agenda Env.7, July 5