Support sought for Hardys Bay pump-out
Gosford Council's coastal and estuary advisory committee has decided to make a presentation to council, seeking its support for a second marine vessel pump out facility at the Araluen Dr wharf, Hardys Bay.
The committee endorsed the location and has decided that a presentation should be made to council's strategy policy meeting seeking its support for the initiation of public consultation.
A report about the installation of a second marine vessel pump out facility, south of the Rip Bridge, was made to the committee.
The report stated that the long term benefit of the installation would include a cleaner waterway free of sewage pollution, improved assurance of a quality product from the local oyster industry, improved public health associated with bathing in Brisbane Water and surrounds and an increase in the boating public's ability to play their part in reducing water pollution.
The site evaluation process included site inspections and surveys of boat users.
A report to council stated that "based on the site selection criteria and community consultation, the Araluen Dr wharf, Hardys Bay, is considered the most appropriate public wharf for the installation of a Marine Vessel Sewage Pump-out Facility (MVSPF) in Brisbane Water, south of the Rip Bridge".
The report stated that the actual pump unit and the slops-hopper would be housed in a purpose built shelter adjacent to the existing toilet amenities on the shore and in a similar style to complement the existing buildings.
Council agenda CE.013, July 5