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Collapse Issue 121 - 11 Jul 2005Issue 121 - 11 Jul 2005
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Terry Ave turns may be limited

Gosford Council is investigating a "No left turn" restriction from Blackwall Rd into Terry Ave, Woy Woy, following a request from local resident Ms Vicky Rixom and 57 petitioners.

The RTA carried out traffic counts at the intersections of Blackwall Rd with Terry Ave and Allfield Rd at the request of the Council's traffic committee.

Traffic speed and volume counts were carried out at this location with several results recorded.

The results indicated that while there appeared to be a degree of additional westbound traffic in Terry Ave that could be attributed to avoidance of the traffic signals at Allfield Rd, the volume was within recommended tolerances for local access streets.

The report stated that the speeds recorded were generally indicative of most residential streets and were therefore considered satisfactory.

The RTA has advised council that an investigation will be undertaken to determine whether a dedicated right turn phase can be provided at the existing traffic signals for drivers turning from Blackwall Rd (northbound) into Allfield Rd, which may alleviate some congestion at this intersection and discourage the use of Terry Ave.

Council has resolved that a report on the RTA findings be brought back to the next traffic committee meeting.

Officers of council's road safety and traffic unit have also been asked to arrange for the installation of 50km/h speed limit signs in Terry Ave, Woy Woy.

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