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Collapse Issue 121 - 11 Jul 2005Issue 121 - 11 Jul 2005
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An open letter to the Planning Minister

Funded by your department, The Peninsula Urban Direction Strategy holds far reaching implications which require further consideration.

Infrastructure provision is a requirement of Gosford Council before adoption of the plan. Under current funding arrangements, council is unable to provide basic infrastructure upgrades for this rapidly consolidating area.

Major rail and road upgrades are essential if the State expects population to continually grow.

NRMA associates are presently advocating for freeway duplication as the F3 becomes a slow moving parking lot at regular intervals.

Fast Rail is essential if another 12,000 people are to be accommodated on the Peninsula in the next 20 years.

Sustainability is compromised if consolidation into larger and taller buildings results in more traffic congestion and air pollution.

Increased energy use in air conditioners, clothes dryers and artificial lighting results in more greenhouse gas emissions.

This is a big plan that raises even bigger questions and few people know anything about it.

Council has granted an extension of time for submissions to be lodged until July 29.

With so few members of the community consulted, 28 residents were involved in consultation for the preparation of the strategy, while a further 40 attended two short briefing sessions on a Thursday in May.

We request you, Minister Knowles, take responsibility for PUDS and instruct your department to initiate a round of Peninsula Village Forums in Ettalong, Umina and Woy Woy, held on the weekends and during daylight hours.

These forums would provide information to the residents (copies of the PUDS documents) and a chance for residents to interact with experts from the department and the council.

We look forward to your prompt response to this most serious matter.

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