Counts sought for signal traffic
The Roads and Traffic Authority will be asked to carry out traffic counts at the intersections of Blackwall Rd with Terry Ave and Allfield Rd following concerns from nearly 60 Woy Woy Residents.
Woy Woy resident Ms Vicky Rixom, along with 57 other petitioners, has asked Gosford Council to look at placing a No left Turn restriction from Blackwall Rd into Terry Ave.
Ms Rixom and petitioners raised concerns that many northbound drivers on Blackwall Rd were avoiding the recently installed traffic signals at the intersection of Blackwall Rd and Allfield Rd by turning left into Terry Ave when they see the signals changing to red or they are about to join the tail of the queue of vehicles waiting at the signals.
Councils traffic committee, at its meeting of April 4, recommended that the RTA carry out traffic counts at the intersections of Blackwall Rd with Terry Ave and Allfield Rd and the results be referred to the next committee meeting.
The motion was accepted by council at its meeting of May 24.
Council agenda TR 05.064, May 24