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Collapse Issue 118 - 30 May 2005Issue 118 - 30 May 2005
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Traffic strategy is on display

A traffic management strategy for Ocean Beach Rd developed by ARUP is currently on display.

The strategy includes marked traffic lanes along the entire length of Ocean Beach Rd, a bike lane along the entire length of the road, four new major intersection treatments and all other streets have either right turn bays or a central median to create a left-in, left-out turning arrangement.

The strategy proposes traffic lights or roundabouts at the intersections with Dunban and McMasters Rds.

Roundabouts are also proposed for the intersections with Railway St, Woy Woy, and Wellington St, Umina.

Bus stop locations have been rationalised.

According to ARUP's proposal, the resultant strategy "provides a much safer road environment for all users with turning lane provisions at intersections and numerous pedestrians' facilities".

A road safety review was also undertaken along the entire route.

The review identified a range of potential road safety hazards, including unprotected hazards, incorrect or inadequate signage, poor delineation, a poorly located pedestrian refuge and inadequate right turn treatments.

The report states that "some of these items have been addressed by the strategy and others can be dealt with as individual items".

The report stated that, with Ocean Beach Rd being a major arterial road on the Peninsula, traffic delays and safety, especially for pedestrians, was a concern.

"Delays to traffic are of particular concern for access to the road from side streets", the report stated.

The ARUP report states that the purpose of the study was to develop a traffic management strategy for the entire length of Ocean Beach Rd that took account of the anticipated population growth on the Peninsula and accommodated all road users.

The report states that Ocean Beach Rd is typically 12.8m between kerbs, although there are some sections that are slightly narrower.

The strategy proposed a road cross-section with two 3.4m traffic lanes, in addition to 1.5 metre wide bike lanes and a central three metre wide turning lane or median area as appropriate.

Trafalgar Ave will still provide a parallel off-road bike route.

The report states that many of the pedestrian crossing facilities and improved turning lanes will aid bike movements across Ocean Beach Rd.

On-street parking has been prohibited in the strategy.

The report also states that the northern section of Ocean Beach Rd between Railway St and Rawson Rd contains a high proportion of commercial land use and hence parking activity occurs on street.

The strategy described in this section would remove all of this on-street car parking, which "may affect the businesses in this area".

The report suggests that given that the Victoria Rd-Paton St intersection had already been addressed, the existing traffic arrangements that allow on-street car parking could be retained.

Arup was appointed by council to undertake the traffic management study for Ocean Beach Rd between Railway St, Woy Woy and West St, Umina.

The study developed a 'traffic management plan' for Ocean Beach Rd identifying strategies to improve traffic movement, safety and facilities for vulnerable road users now and into the future.

The plan addresses capacity issues and provides cost effective recommendations.

The report was prepared by John Hanlon, Joanna Lau and Ernest Wong on behalf of ARUP.

The strategy is on exhibition for public comment until June 10.

For further information, contact Mr Keith Dawson on 4325 8853.

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