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Collapse Issue 564:<br />6 Mar 2023<br />_____________Issue 564:
6 Mar 2023
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Planning proposal attracts 95 objections

There were 95 submissions objecting to the Planning Proposal for the rezoning of 43-46 The Esplanade, Ettalong.

Some of the objections and council responses were:

Objection: The building shadow that will be cast over the beach and over dune vegetation will be significant and not in the public interest.

Response: "Council has prepared a site specific Development Control Plan, exhibited with the Planning Proposal, which details urban design controls to limit the overshadowing of the beach, public open space and bushland in the area."

[The only urban design controls relating to building shadow appears to be the objective: "To minimise overshadowing of the beach and public open space."

There are no other constraints on the shadowing of public open space.]

Objection: This height increase will be detrimental to the character and atmosphere of the Ettalong village and foreshore.

Response: Council staff quoted the Character Statement for Ettalong which concludes: "At the western end, a substantial four-storey club building forms a local landmark, adjacent to an eight-storey resort hotel building facing the waterfront, proposed as two stepped wings separated by a central landscaped courtyard."

"As such, the proposal is not dissimilar to the existing character of the Ettalong Beach local centre."

Objection: There will be no boost to the economy due to this development

Response: "The proposal is expected to enable activation of the centre by providing new mixed-use development opportunities and public domain improvements (to the laneway and frontages) with flow-on effects to the economy, businesses and employment."

Objection: The proposal is dangerously close (19 metres) from the delicate and eroding foreshore.

Response: "The site is located landward of The Esplanade and is not subject to immediate coastal hazards."

Objection: Problems caused by basement parking.

Response: "The revised concept plans dated June 2022 indicates the 52 parking spaces sleeved behind commercial frontage at ground level, with no basement parking proposed."

Objection: Congestion to the laneway

Response: "At development application stage, Council may require improvements to the rear laneway to mitigate the impact of additional vehicular access."

Objection: The owners of the 14 Ocean View apartments will suffer significant financial loss as the value of their homes plummets.

Response: "The two upper levels of the proposed development has been setback and incorporates a central communal landscaped terrace to allow for view sharing from neighbouring developments.

"The draft DCP will apply to the proposal and includes controls to ensure view sharing from neighbouring developments."

[The approved site-specific DCP contains two clauses of objectives, four clauses of requirements and a diagram pertaining to view sharing.

The requirements include: "A visual analysis illustrating the impacts of the proposed development upon views may be required for developments which have the potential to obstruct views.

"This analysis will be required to outline the impact of the development on the views of all affected properties".]

Objection: The proposal makes little to no allowance for the impact of other large DAs in the locality that have been approved or are in progress.

Response: "The higher density development in Ettalong Beach is located within an established urban centre (zoned B2 Local Centre) to reinforce a compact settlement pattern, optimise the use of existing infrastructure and services and reduce car dependency.

"All other areas in the Ettalong suburb are zoned R2 Low Density Residential with a two-storey height limit and limited opportunities for increased height or density.

"The current planning controls were developed following the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy and Character Statements, which included extensive community consultation."

[While there was "extensive community consultation" leading to the creation of the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy, a recent request for a copy of the document from Council elicited the response that it was not a current document and was "no longer available".]

An exhaustive list of objections to the Planning Proposal was provided as an attachment to the agenda for the Council meeting.

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