School uses online video with students for first time
Ettalong Public School last week used video conferencing software for its students for the first time last week.
"Wellbeing Wednesday starts at 9am for our Kindergarten students," said relieving principal Ms Jodie Campbell.
"Class teachers have been phoning families with log-in details and they have many fun activities to do during these sessions.
"Our staff care very much about the children and their learning.
"We cannot wait to return to face-to-face learning when it is safe to do so.
"Our staff are continuing to complete Learning from Home packs, professional learning, teaching face-to-face, marking completed packs, phoning families with feedback and assisting with any clarification of school work.
"This week the calls have been to advise families about Zoom and the other calls will resume next week.
"The marking and feedback will resume then too.
"This week, their priority has been navigating and preparing for Zoom, professional learning and preparing the Learning from Home packs."
Newsletter, 17 Aug 2021
Jodie Campbell, Ettalong Public School