Greener places - why not start with trees already there?
They've paved paradise and put up a parking lot.
Yes, lines from a Joni Mitchell song from the 60s, Big Yellow Taxi.
This is exactly the sort of thing the Central Coast Council want to do now, specifically I am referring to the clearing of many melaleuca trees at Austin Butler Ave, Woy Woy, to put up a parking lot.
I see the council have got a Greener Places Strategy for the Peninsula, so why not start by keeping these trees, which are already established.
We don't need to wait 20 to 30 years.
It could easily be turned into a place for the people, to walk through, sit and enjoy.
Such short-sightedness by the council is inexcusable.
Don't we ever learn?
Letter, 4 Aug 2021
Michael Wilder, Woy Woy