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Collapse Issue 448 - 02 Jul 2018Issue 448 - 02 Jul 2018
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Bouddi Foundation offers artist grants of up to $5000

Young local artists between the ages of 15 and 25 have been encouraged to apply for grants of up to $5000 from the Bouddi Foundation for the Arts.

Fields of artistic endeavour addressed by the Bouddi Foundation grants program include music, the visual arts, performing arts, literature, community arts, Aboriginal arts, film, electronic arts, and craft.

The grants may be used for any purpose that advances the development of an artist's talents including, but not limited to, the purchase of equipment and materials; tuition and education; attendance at symposia and workshops; participation in performances; membership of professional and artistic bodies; recording and publication costs.

Ettalong flautist Ms Alyce Faith has benefited from the program and is cited as an example of the talent the Foundation wishes to encourage.

Ms Faith has been a recipient of both the Bouddi Society's woodwind scholarships multiple times from the age of eight, as well as from the Foundation when it came into existence nearly 10 years ago.

Since those early years, Ms Faith has gone from strength to strength, spreading her wings from Bouddi to Melbourne, and now bound for the UK to begin a Master's Program at Royal Academy of Music in London.

Ms Faith grew up in Ettalong and studied at the Central Coast Conservatorium for 11 years with flute teacher Mr Allyn Brislan.

During her studies she was a four-time winner of the Conservatorium woodwind competition funded by the Bouddi Society.

"The Bouddi Society has been such an important part of my musical development through their support and encouragement since I was about eight or nine years old," Ms Faith said.

"I always remember the many performances in the Wagstaffe Hall and how encouraged I felt to play and perform to such a supportive audience."

Last year, she graduated with a Bachelor of Music (Hons) specialising in flute performance at the Melbourne Conservatorium.

She has won many competitions, including 2016 "The Talent" 3MBS fine music Melbourne Audience Vote Performer of the season award.

She has also been playing principal flute in several high-profile orchestras, and chamber music with a number of smaller ensembles.

Ms Faith has been accepted by the Royal Academy of Music in London for a Master of Arts in Performance commencing in September.

The Bouddi Foundation for the Arts has awarded Alyse a grant as she undertakes the financial and logistical challenges of moving to London.

The award was presented after a fund-raising concert in Sydney last month.

"I was so surprised and grateful to hear your announcement at the concert, that I will be awarded a grant towards my study costs at the Academy.

"I am thrilled, as this means so much to me."

Before leaving for London Ms Faith has offered to perform in a special fund-raising concert at Wagstaffe Hall on Saturday, July 7 at 2pm.

The program will feature Ms Faith and her guitarist, Mr Clancy McCloud, and include repertoire from Piazzolla, Bach, Boehm, and Ferroud.

Young artists are encouraged to express their interest in receiving a grant by email to or writing to The Secretary, Bouddi Foundation for the Arts, PO Box 4081, Wagstaffe, NSW, 2257.

Applications opened on May 17 and expressions of interest should be submitted no later than July 17.

Assessment and shortlisting will take place between July 18 and 30 and auditions will be held at Wagstaffe Hall and Hardys Bay Community Hall on August 26.

The presentation of 2018 grants will take place on November 18 at Wagstaffe Hall.

Shortlisted applicants may be contacted in late July to provide further information in an interview or audition.

Assessments will be carried out by panels of judges with notable expertise in the applicable artistic field.

The 2018 grants will be announced by of the Bouddi Foundation for the Arts chairman Mr John Bell, the on November 18.

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