Bulked-up incompatible over-development is dismaying
I read with dismay the proposed redevelopment for the Woy Woy Bowling Club on the corner of North Burge Rd and Brick Wharf Rd.
The proposal as described, and as depicted by an artist's impression, is another example of a bulked-up, over-developed site that appears to have a high floor space ratio with minimal setbacks and landscaping.
The neighbourhood consists of single and two-storey stand-alone homes, with a park across from the club.
While I understand the bowling club is in the red, a proposal for 87 units over five storeys, plus underground parking, retail tenancies and basement car park, is simply overkill that will detrimentally affect the surrounding area in terms of incompatible and increased density that is inconsistent with the neighbourhood look and feel and will add considerably to traffic congestion.
Email, 25 Jul 2017
Suraya Coorey, Woy Woy