Residents object to 12-unit proposal
Residents of Nowack and McEvoy Ave, Umina Beach, have criticised the proposed construction of 12-unit residential flat buildings in their street.
Gosford Council has received a petition with 105 signatures from residents objecting to the development application for several reasons.
The residents stated that a single driveway vehicle access for the complex only into Nowack Ave would impact on residents.
The residents stated the building provided a lack of privacy for adjoining residents and there had been concerns about the character of the site.
Other concerns listed by residents include increased noise and general activity caused by the addition of a second storey and increased local vehicle traffic.
Residents have also claimed that storm water from the proposed development would impact on surrounding properties.
The petitioners have asked for an on-site inspection by councillors with residents to discuss their concerns.
Council agenda P.46, June 28