Barking dogs
Gosford Council has received a petition with seven signatures from local residents concerned about the constant barking of three dogs kept in Corrong Cl, Umina.
The petitioners stated that the owners had been requested on numerous occasions to quieten their dogs but no action had been taken.
They stated that they could not walk into their own back gardens without the dogs barking.
The petitioners requested council's assistance in addressing this problem.
In another petition, with 20 residents complained about a noisy dog at Moana St, Woy Woy.
The petitioners stated that the nuisance dog had been reported to the Rangers' Department on previous occasions.
All attempts at compromise with the owners of the dog had been met with negative and conflicting conduct, they claimed.
The petitioners said they were desperate to resolve the problem as they were finding life difficult with the noise and aggression from the dog.
The petitioners requested council's assistance in addressing the problem.
Council agenda P.47, P.49, June 28