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Collapse Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005
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Foreshore report finally available

Gosford Council staff have finally published a report prepared over two months ago in answer to a question asked by Cr Terri Latella almost four months ago.

Cr Latella asked, on March 1, for a report on the status of the Ettalong Beach Foreshore Plan of Management, including detailed plans of projected works and draft plans attached to those works.

The report says that former director of community services Mr Phil Rowland stated in a reply on April 13 that council had adopted a Plan of Management for the Ettalong Foreshore in 2003.

"The Plan of Management provides a general outline of development of the foreshore that will require further design and consultation before works can be undertaken.

"The plan recognises the conflicting values imposed by the fragility of the dune system and the need for public access to the beach," according to Mr Rowland.

"The Plan of Management has a schedule of works outlined in the included action plan.

"Funds totalling $280,000 are available for work on the beach and foreshore adjacent to the CBD area and an amount of $300,000 is due from the Ettalong War Memorial Club through a Deed of Agreement originating from the approval for redevelopment of the Club site.

"To date some preliminary discussions have taken place with some stakeholders in the process but no detailed plans have been commissioned to take to the public as yet."

Mr Rowland said other improvements identified in the Plan of Management along the foreshore have adequate funding identified through Contributions Plan 31C.

The next step was to prepare detailed designs in line with the concept envisaged in the Plan of Management and to seek a response from the community.

Mr Rowland said that no works would proceed without community consultation and approval.

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