Permission sought for boat ramp
The construction of the Pretty Beach boat ramp have been delayed with Gosford Council having to write to the Department of Lands for permission to build over Crown land.
On June 7, Cr Jim Macfadyen asked council staff for an update on the Pretty Beach boat ramp, indicating when the development application would be finalised and tenders called for construction of the ramp.
The director of corporate development Mr Terry Thirlwell said, on June 15, that an extension for the development application had been requested and granted.
Mr Thirlwell said this had been necessary to allow time to gain written consent from the Department of Lands as a portion of the boat ramp was on Crown land.
A request was sent through to the Department at the end of May.
Mr Thirlwell said: "The department does not foresee any issues which will hold up this application."
Approval of this licence is contingent upon development application approval and is necessary prior to commencement of any works.
Mr Thirlwell said that assuming development application approval, the licence could be granted within 10 days.
Council agenda FS.78, June 28