Speeding is 'typical'
Gosford Council's traffic committee has decided against placing traffic calming devices in North Burge Rd, Woy Woy, as speeding vehicles on local streets is "typical", a report has stated.
A traffic speed and volume survey was undertaken from November 29 to December 3, with the survey results indicating that the volume of heavy vehicles, apart from buses, was less than one percent.
The results also indicated that the average speed of vehicles in the street were 60km/h.
The report stated that these speed recordings were typical of the majority of 50km/h local streets.
The committee heard that similar problems in Burge Rd would be alleviated with its proposed closure at the Burge Rd intersection with Blackwall Rd, as part of the roadworks for the Peninsula Regional Leisure Centre.
Council agenda TR 04.196 TR 04.235, February 2