Woy Woy travellers miss out
Why do travellers catching the train at Woy Woy miss out again?
Everybody was warned that Saturday, January 29, was going to be a busy day in the city, with thousands of young people going to the WaveAid Concert.
But hundreds of people at Woy Woy railway station, catching the 11.02am to Central, had to force their way onto an already-overcrowded four carriage train.
The happy concert goers, already comfortable in their seats, were reluctant to make way for residents of the Peninsula.
Many older and less fit travellers were thus forced to stand for the 80-minute journey.
Doesn't anybody in the railway yards at Newcastle or Gosford have enough initiative to convert the normal four carriages to six or eight for special events like this?
It still only needs one driver and one guard, and would add much needed goodwill to our ailing railway system.
Terry Jones, Killcare