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Collapse Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005
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Building stage is completed

Stage one of the building program at Brisbane Water Secondary College has now been completed, college principal Mr Pat Lewis has announced.

In the middle of January, the refurbished Special Education block and the Student Services building were completed ready for occupation from the beginning of the school year.

"The Special Education centre consists of two classrooms, a practical learning area and full laundry and bathroom facilities," said Mr Lewis.

"This will provide a wonderfully stimulating and safe environment for students to learn which has been eagerly awaited."

The student services building, located in the centre of the campus will house the careers centre and will also be a venue for a wide range of seminars on study skills and practical life skills important to young adults about to take on more of the responsibilities of life.

"Along with the new administration block and hall, the new buildings go a long way towards greatly enhancing the presentation of the campus," Mr Lewis said.

Mr Lewis said, with the completion of stage one, plans were already underway for the commencement of stage two.

On the Umina campus, this will include a new administration block with the current block being converted into a large staffroom for all teachers.

Mr Lewis said the staffroom would be extremely important in allowing teachers in teams and subject groups to confer and plan together much more readily than has been possible with teachers spread across the campus.

The current small staff rooms will be refurbished to provide additional learning spaces around the campus.

On the senior campus, the current small performance space will be substantially enlarged to provide a venue for dance, drama, music and a Performing Arts Academy.

A commercial kitchen will be installed for the teaching of the vocational hospitality course and one block of classrooms will be refurbished.

Mr Lewis said upgrading the cafeteria and extensive landscaping throughout the campus would enhance the environment to be one reflecting the young adult environment which it has become.

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