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Collapse Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005
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Council endorses pedestrian plan

Gosford Council has voted to endorse the Peninsula Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan and to implement its works schedule.

The works will cost $486,000 over 10 years and include more than 1000 items.

Council was told that the plan, prepared by consultants Arup Transport Planning, recommended "the works be focused on proposed high priority pedestrian routes".

However, the routes were not listed or described in the staff report to council.

Council staff claimed most of the works schedule items were "facilities that Council would normally provide in any case such as new wheelchair ramps, footpath repairs, bus stop upgrading (seating, shelters and paving) and new footpath sections".

Council was told that the main aim of the plan was to improve the pedestrian network's coherence, directness, safety, comfort, attractiveness and equity of access for all users.

"The consultants identified high priority routes through the study area based on pedestrian demand and then carried out a physical audit of those routes to identify access barriers for pedestrians with a specific focus on access for less mobile pedestrians such as the elderly and people with disabilities."

The council decided to seek financial assistance from the Roads and Traffic Authority for the works.

Council was told that other possible funding sources included Section 94 developer contribution plans and the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery program.

The plan will now be referred to Gosford Council's traffic committee to address any statutory requirements.

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