Information on mentoring
An information session for people interested in mentoring young people from the Peninsula will be held at the Gosford Tafe Outreach Building on Wednesday, February 9.
A volunteer program called Plan-it Youth is currently seeking mentors to support students at Brisbane Water Secondary College, Woy Woy campus.
The Plan-it Youth organisation is currently seeking interested people to help high school students who are thinking about leaving school and need help to set work-related goals.
The group are looking for people who are retired, retrenched, looking for work, interested community citizens, grandparents or parents.
Current mentors are aged between 25 and 82 years of age.
Coordinator Ms Debbie Coleman said people's skills and life experiences made a real difference for a young person.
Ms Coleman said that participants needed a couple of hours each week, a positive outlook and an interest in young people.
The program is supported by Kellogg's, the Department of Education and Training, The Hunter Institute of Technology, the NSW Active Retirees and Mentors Inc and the Dusseldorp Skills Forum.
The information session starts at 10am on February 9, with courses starting February 16.
For more information or to register contact 4322 3022 or email
Press release, January 25
Debbie Coleman, Plan-it Youth