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Collapse Issue 156 - 11 Dec 2006Issue 156 - 11 Dec 2006
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Water tanks at Pretty Beach

Pretty Beach Public School has been awarded an Australian Government Community Water Grant.

The school has been awarded $37,800 to go towards nine tanks designed to capture rain and save 237,000 litres of water for the local community per year.

Aside from providing water to flush the toilets and keep educational gardens green, the tanks will also give the local Bush Fire Brigade additional resources for protecting the national park surrounding the school.

School principal Ms Vicki Redrup said the parents and students of the school were "absolutely thrilled to be getting such a large amount of assistance from the government".

"The tanks are going to make a big difference to the school's budget while at the same time giving the children further awareness of how saving water can benefit the environment," said Ms Redrup.

The Community Water Grants, of up to $50,000, are part of the government's $2 billion investment in protecting the country's water supplies at a local level.

The grant comes on top of a $33,000 Investing In Our Schools grant, which has also just been given to the school, and will allow for the construction of a new Covered Outdoor Learning Area early next year.

Ms Redrup said it has been a good couple of years for the school in terms of grants.

"We are still reaping the rewards of the money we obtained from the grants won last year," Ms Redrup said.

Pretty Beach Public School was able to refurbish its toilet block as a result of a $46,000 Investing In Our Schools Grant awarded to the school last year.

The money also went towards the purchase of new musical equipment.

Member for Robertson Mr Jim Lloyd will be opening the new amenities on Monday, December 11, at 10am.

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