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Collapse Issue 156 - 11 Dec 2006Issue 156 - 11 Dec 2006
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Supermarket is not 'general store', says Chamber

A proposed supermarket at Pt Clare should not be regarded as a "general store" by Gosford Council, according to the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales said that an application for an Aldi Supermarket at Point Clare, which was currently before Gosford Council, could only go ahead if it was regarded as a general store.

"While we encourage retail and commercial development, the chamber is very concerned over the report to council recommending approval of the proposed Aldi Supermarket in a residential zone at Pt Clare," said Mr Wales.

"Council staff are recommending approval for the development which is being proposed on part commercial land and part residential land opposite Point Clare railway station.

"Under normal circumstances retail/commercial development on residential land would require a rezoning as it is not permitted within the zone.

"However, Aldi have sought legal advice and contend that the proposed supermarket meets the definition of a 'general store' under the current planning scheme.

"General stores are of course permitted in residential zones.

"What is extraordinary is that the council staff agree with the applicant's legal advice and claim that the supermarket can go ahead on residential land.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the implications of this decision.

"You will now find other major supermarket operators targeting residential land to build supermarkets outside traditional commercial and retail centres.

"This was never the intent of permitting general stores in residential areas."

Mr Wales said that this precedent could have far reaching implications for traditional strip shopping centres on the Peninsula which are already under enormous pressure to compete with large supermarkets and shopping malls.

"This is further evidence of how antiquated the current Gosford Planning Scheme is," Mr Wales said.

"There is no doubt that the planning controls need an urgent overhaul.

"The council's new Comprehensive Local Environmental Plan can't come soon enough.

"It's already 20 years overdue and we are now paying the price through crazy decisions like this.

"You have to wonder how we got to the stage that planners can't tell the real difference between a local general store and a major supermarket.

"This is really archaic planning at its worst."

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