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College makes sports presentations

Brisbane Water Secondary College has celebrated "a great year of sport" at its recent Sporting Excellence Presentation Night conducted at the Woy Woy Leagues Club.

School principal Ms Pamela McAlister said the night was well attended.

Special guest was Chris Heighington, a player with West Tigers, and a former Umina High School student.

"He shared some of his experiences in playing sport at an elite level as well as encouraging those aspiring to do so to understand the responsibilities that accompany this," Ms McAlister said.

"One most interesting aspect of Chris's work with the West Tigers is his community involvement.

"He spends time sharing his wisdom with young players as well as visiting children in hospital or in need.

"Chris strongly urged the students to take up opportunities offered such as refereeing or coaching younger students in their community, as part of their sporting life."

Many students were recognised on the night for achieving great success throughout the year.

Students were recognised for representing Sydney North Area at the State Championship for sports including athletics and cross country, softball, swimming, touch football and rugby league.

Athletics and cross country awardees included Renee Mainwaring and Sharna Jones.

David Mainwaring also won an award for cross country.

Zac Dawes and Jason Overton won awards for softball.

Swimmers to be recognised were Pat Crocker, Thomas McFarlene, Chris Blair, Jake Raw, Brandon Blair, Mark Brear and Jay Pilson.

Touch football players to receive awards were Des Price, Jamie Taylor, Sam Ball and Joel Weeks.

Kim Webster and Paul Steel both received awards for their involvement in athletics.

Rugby league players to receive awards were Chris Bainbridge, Pat Crocker and Dylan Farrell.

State and national medallists and representatives also received awards.

Both David Mainwaring and Renee Mainwaring were recognised for receiving a gold medal at the cross country All Schools State Championship.

Paul Steel was recognised with an award for receiving gold at the All Schools State Championships in the 200 metres.

Joel Weeks was also recognised for his involvement in touch football, and Zac Dawes for his involvement in softball.

The Pierre Du Coubertin Award was awarded to Zac Dawes in recognition of outstanding participation and commitment to sport.

The Rodney Fowler Sporting Award was awarded to Joshua Foley for his outstanding effort and determination throughout the sporting year in the field of Rugby League or Rugby Union.

The award for Most Outstanding Team went to the colleges under-14's rugby league team who came fifth in the state, and were Buckley Plate champions.

The team comprised Tom Hinton, Daniel Bluff, Shane Cooper, Jason Hayward, James Lovell, Henry Lovell, Callum McGillicuddy, Nathan McManus, Daniel Taylor, Brayden Williame, Tom Austin, QAedan Avery, Justin Canterbury, James Coote, Sean Ellard, Justin McDermott, Luke Murphy, Chris Norman, Jamie Rushton, Zane Sparkle, Josh Spencer and Chace Williams.

The awards for Contribution to Sport went to joint winners Chelsea Campbell and Sharna Jones in the junior girl division, Alex Lash in the junior boy, Kim Webster in the senior girl and Jason Overton in the senior boy.

The Sportspersons of the Year awards went to Renee Mainwaring in the junior girl division, Jason Hayward in the junior boy, Siobhan Stanton in the senior girl and Zac Dawes in the senior boy.

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