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Blood money up for grabs

I read recently that there is to be a review of the terms and conditions under which blood is collected and used in Australia at a meeting of the Federal and State governments on 1 January 2007.

This review comes about because of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US.

The purpose of the review is to open up the possible use of Australian blood to the US and the reverse.

As a blood donor, my obligation is to my fellow humans.

I am appalled at the direction that the FTA is seeking to take us.

I have donated blood as an act of citizenship, freely entered into with no thought of financial reward.

The direction that the FTA proposes is not humanitarian but consumerist, and is unprincipled.

I would not give blood under such circumstances where it is up for sale and purchase.

The Medical Journal of Australia says: "At the moment, Australia is largely self-sufficient in its supply of safe, fresh blood products because of the goodwill of non-remunerated, volunteer donors, plus rigorous testing and processing standards."

It seems to me that this priceless circumstance is 'up for grabs' in the FTA negotiations.

Australian Governments must protect Australians by terminating these blood(y) discussions.

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