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What about Lone Pine Ave?

What an insult to the people of the Peninsula when Cr Chris Holstein, the Liberal candidate, criticises the State Government for lack of road funding for State roads when he has been a councillor in Gosford Council for over 16 years and has done nothing to improve our local roads.

But to add insult to injury, Cr Holstein now states that he will, if elected, realign and straighten Woy Woy Rd at the Bulls Hill section because he says "it's an accident waiting to happen".

What about the death trap on the intersection of Lone Pine Ave and Ocean Beach Rd which has had a fatality and has the highest accident figures and he does nothing?

Where's the commonsense?

But beware.

A tunnel at Bulls Hill will take all the traffic from Woy Woy Rd into Nagari Rd and Shoalhaven Dr which are presently quiet residential streets and won't the waterfront residents on Woy Woy Rd be happy.

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