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Spoken word featured

The first meeting of "One Tongue, Hear" will take place on Sunday, November 19, in the Spike Milligan Room at Woy Woy Library at 1.30pm.

Organiser Mr Richard Newby said the meeting would be of interest to all members of the community who were "not insular, are tolerantly liberal, delight in good company and the spoken word".

"In particular, lovers and practitioners of poetry, short stories, plays, political rhetoric, sharing justified pride in a heritage, future concept, past or pending pleasures are welcome," he said.

"So far we have had expressions of interest not only from various people wanting to possess the talking stick for their 10 minutes but also people wanting to listen to others. "The talkers include one of the socially-aware Toastmasters, a performer of traditional Irish poetry, an advocate for a sustainable environment, a WWII commando, a reader of dialect and simple folk poetry, a short story teller and a professional actor reading classical and modern poetry.

"All sexes, ages and ethnicities will be welcome to speak."

For enquiries, telephone 4344 1462.

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