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Crisis management for global warming?

Our newspapers, including the letters pages, are full of advice about our water problems; what should have been done, what can or must be done etc.

Where have these people been for the past 10 years or so?

There has been a small core of people who have been meeting, writing and urging governments, Councils and planners to do something about the problem.

They have been asking authorities to stop covering all the ground with concrete; to collect storm-water and provide or insist on water tanks for all new developments.

Even though we are supposed to be an intelligent animal species, we seem to depend on crisis management for anything to be achieved.

I presume that the same will happen with global warming.

Only when people are paddling in their lounge rooms will they accept the obvious: we have a big problem.

I wonder if the many petitioners asking for the removal of the vegetation along The Peninsula foreshores will then start writing to the papers telling us all what should have been done.

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