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The nude on show

An exhibition of paintings of "the nude" by Jocelyn Maughan and Robin Norling will be on show at the Patonga Bakehouse Gallery from November through to January.

Ms Maughan said both artists had had classical training in life drawing and painting "where art courses were five years of full-time studio practice".

"Paintings in this exhibition range from high realism to patterns and designs where the nude is used as a point of departure," Ms Maughan said.

She said visitors asked: "Why paint the nude?"

"A quick survey of Western art over hundreds of years shows that back in ancient Greece the idealized human body was sought in the sculptures on the Parthenon.

"This re-emerged in the Renaissance with Michelangelo's ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, while later artists such as Rembrandt and Lucien Freud painted the nude 'warts and all'.

"The popularity of life sketch groups on the Central Coast is testimony to the delight many artists have in drawing the nude.

"Come and share our delight in observation, drawing, composition and colour and, yes, we will paint you disrobed if you wish, while you wait."

The Patonga Bakehouse Gallery is open every Sunday, 11am to 3pm, or by appointment on 4379 1102.

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