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Can't look after own backyard

I am just stunned to read recently that Cr Chris Holstein, the new Liberal candidate for Gosford, is putting the boot into the State Government for their lack of funding for roads on the Peninsula.

Let's just remember that most of the roads on the Peninsula are council roads and are in deplorable state.

If the truth be known, Cr Holstein is one of the councillors who, over the years, have ignored calls to improve our roads while he spends $29 million of our ratepayer dollars on an aquatic centre that is running at huge losses.

Only $1.5 million is actually allocated for roads by Holstein's Council and that's for the whole region, not just the Peninsula.

It is a disgrace to knock the State Government when council can't even look after its own backyard.

Is it any wonder that Gosford Council doesn't hold the respect of the ratepayers when it totally ignores the loud and constant call for better roads and drainage?

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