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Collapse Issue 148 - 21 Aug 2006Issue 148 - 21 Aug 2006
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Action group receives grant

The Peninsula Families Action Group have been successful in a grant application for a "fun day" to launch their playground projects and initiate a process of community consultation regarding future playground developments.

Gosford Council's community grants program awarded the group $2000 to hold the fun day, with offers of help from local individuals and community groups assisting in covering any shortfalls.

The group haw been focusing on redeveloping Peninsula playgrounds, which they believe poorly service the community.

"We are delighted with the success of our grant application," said the group's secretary Ms Deretta Brown.

"We are a small group of volunteers trying to better our local area and this will enable us to engage the community and really start building a sense of community ownership and pride in our open spaces."

The group has already had a successful partnership with Choice Australia in the first stage of upgrades at Vernon Park in Umina and is negotiating with Gosford Council on the second stage of the works, which would include repainting of the existing play structure and the installation of a disability swing.

The group is also hoping to be successful in a CDSE funding application for money for a shade to go over the play equipment at Lions Park in Woy Woy.

"We are really excited by our recent successes," said Ms Brown.

"Our long-term goal is to gain support for a regional park on the Peninsula.

"We believe this grant will help build that support and result in a better Peninsula for the whole community."

The fun day will be held at the start of next year in one of the Peninsula parks.

The group meets twice a month at the Beachside Family Centre and is looking for assistance from both individuals and local businesses to help make it a successful event.

For more information, contact 4343 1929.

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