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Collapse Issue 148 - 21 Aug 2006Issue 148 - 21 Aug 2006
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Consider solar water stills

It is proposed that council pay a bounty of $2500 for each watertank supplied and plumbed in, together with a large loan to pay for it.

This does not solve the problems of drought, the opportunity for mass poisoning through terrorism or the fluoride brigade, nor provide an ecologically sustainable solution.

I believe that most tanks are now made from petrochemical materials requiring high carbon emissions during manufacture.

Daily, each human only requires about four litres of drinking water.

None of the rest needs to be of potable quality.

Why has no one considered solar-powered water stills?

Each person with access to about 16 hours of sunlight can, with a device that should cost less than $100, produce their own daily water: A concept of responsibility no different to personal hygiene.

Given that each household supposedly comprises 4.5 persons, a saving of about $2000 per house is made and some of the other problems are obviated.

Those who currently want to rort the system or be subsidied can pay for their private swimming pools, car washes, excessive showers, bottled beer and water, electricity, pretty flowers, football and golf grass, manufactured food and hydroponics on an equal footing.

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