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Leave uranium in the ground

Federal MP for Dobel Ticehurst has asked for residents' views on nuclear energy.

My answer is: leave uranium in the ground, forever.

It's the only position that will benefit Australia, an exercise in moral leadership.

The PM and those benefiting from the nuclear power plants and the export of uranium ore are the ones calling for a new, unnecessary debate.

Behind this is greed, perceived political advantage and pressure from the US and other countries to (a) acquire access to our massive uranium reserves (b) make a case for dumping radio-active waste in Australia, a continent which is geologically unstable.

Mr Howard's pretense that nuclear energy is "cleaner and greener" is a further instance of his mendacious presentation of facts.

There are plenty of alternatives to the dangerous deployment of extremely costly nuclear plants if the political will is present.

Furthermore, exporting uranium ore means losing control over its final destination and use, in spite of international safeguards. Enriching uranium here for whom?

The nuclear weapons arsenal of the US is already enough to destroy the world.

Should we risk adding to that?

What about possible terrorist attacks on nuclear plants?

No Mr. Ticehurst, this is not at all a NIMBY issue, as you present it.

Relying on information provided by the Federal Government, you advise?

The Inquiry is already stacked with Howard's pro-uranium cronies.

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