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Two bowl triples

Sandra Ferro, Robyn McLean and Lauren Williams have won a two bowl triples competition held at Ettalong Memorial Bowling Club on Tuesday, June 20.

Runners up were Valerie Brownlie, Dianne O'Dea and Jennifer Hughes.

Third placegetters were Noeline Robertson, Merle Smith and June Everett."

Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews sponsored the day of bowls.

"The day had already been rescheduled from May due to inclement weather and there were some fears expressed that Tuesday might also have to be called off," Ms Andrews said.

"Fortunately the rain held off to enable the ladies to enjoy their day of bowls."

Ms Andrews, who is a bowling member of the club, took part in the competition.

"There was a good turnout and the competition, although friendly, was keenly contested," Ms Andrews said.

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