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Chamber seeks traffic light review

Peninsula Chamber of Commerce president Mr Matthew Wales has called on Gosford Council to review its decision on the proposed Ocean Beach Rd traffic lights following the release of the supplementary traffic report on pedestrian movements.

"Clearly the report was nothing more than an attempt to shore up council's decision to proceed with the traffic lights at Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd", said Mr Wales.

"The supposed justification for the traffic lights, as claimed by the chairman of the Traffic Committee, Cr Chris Holstein, was the large number of pedestrian movements across Ocean Beach Rd.

"However, it is painfully evident throughout the report prepared by TTPA for council that the basis for the decision to go with the traffic lights is because it's cheaper than constructing the originally proposed two lane roundabouts.

"The report was prompted by council's failure to fully assess the supposed pedestrian movements with no supporting pedestrian data in the original traffic assessment.

"This was pointed out to the council by the Chamber of Commerce," said Mr Wales.

"The council has now conducted pedestrian counts across Ocean Beach Rd between the two intersections over two separate days in May as a means of justifying the traffic light decision.

"An average of 30 pedestrians crossed in the morning peak and 37 in the evening peak.

"The great majority of pedestrians recorded by the council crossed Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd of which the greater proportion were children.

"These movements were obviously as a result of children walking home who had already crossed the road at the South Woy Woy Public School pedestrian crossing where the traffic lights really should be installed", said Mr Wales.

"Even the traffic consultant conceded that the pedestrian movements across Ocean Beach Rd were 'not substantial' yet council in its desire to shore up its decision to install the traffic lights would have us believe that the demand is overwhelming."

Mr Wales said that the proposal was a gross misuse of ratepayer's funds when more dangerous intersections and pedestrian crossings on Ocean Beach Rd were being ignored.

"The intersection of Lone Pine Ave and Ocean Beach Rd is far more dangerous with the highest recorded accident history on the main road and yet council has not listed this as a priority nor allocated funds to fix it", said Mr Wales.

"Further, the school crossing at South Woy Woy Public School is far more important in terms of child pedestrian safety as this is obviously where the majority of road crossings occur.

"Council should be spending the money on traffic lights here than wasting it on imaginary priorities at Dunban Rd and MacMasters Rd.

"Nobody wants another Blackwall Rd traffic light peak hour disaster on Ocean Beach Rd. "Clearly Cr Holstein doesn't live here or else he would understand the real nature of the problem," said Mr Wales.

Cr Holstein said previously, on June 9, that both the school movements and hospital movements had been considered.

"The traffic experts, not only from council, RTA and police, but an independent assessment, have recommended the lights," Cr Holstein said.

"Mr Wales agrees that something should happen at the intersections.

"However all assessments conclude that in respect to pedestrians and vehicular movements roundabouts are not the safest option.

"These intersections feature major arterial east-west roads within the traffic network and require work."

Cr Holstein said that the Federal funding was not sufficient to carry out all the works and with no State funding "only one set of lights will in the short time be installed" which was more of a concern.

Cr Holstein also stated that the State Government had not allocated funds to the McMasters Rd and Blackwall Rd intersection in the east.

"I acknowledge that more improvements are needed along Ocean Beach Rd at several locations and I will continue to seek financial support from all levels of government to achieve them."

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