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Local author bitten

Local author Eric Shackle was pecked by a pelican recently.

He has turned the incident into an online article on his website "Life Begins at 80...On the Internet".

"There I was, seated at a table outside a waterfront fish and chips joint at Woy Woy, at peace with the world, devouring a choice piece of fried fresh fish held elegantly in my fingers.

"Suddenly, out of the blue, you might say, a 50cm beak appeared from behind my left shoulder, and clamped on my hand," Mr Shackle said.

"In a flash, the fish had gone, and I was left with a bleeding wrist.

"This unprovoked attack by a pernicious and possibly pestilential pelican momentarily surprised a friend sitting opposite me and other customers, who then burst into heartless laughter, but I, like Queen Victoria, was not amused.

"I shambled into the shop, and a lovely lass behind the counter hustled me into a back room and applied a band aid.

"No big deal, I gathered from her attitude.

"Apparently she was quite accustomed to treating foolhardy fish lovers."

Mr Shackle stated that he noticed all too late a sign outside bearing the warning not to feed the pelicans, as they might bite.

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