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Collapse Issue 141 - 15 May 2006Issue 141 - 15 May 2006
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Residents urged to phone police

"Pick up the phone and report it immediately" was the message of Senior Constable Jo Plummer from Gosford's Crime Prevention Unit at the recent monthly meeting of the Hardy's Bay Residents Group.

"She strongly urged people to pick up a phone whenever they have any concerns or suspicions," said the group's publicity officer Mr Allan Wilson.

Mr Wilson said she told the meeting: "It may not seem much at the time but, from our experience, these situations which might at first appear to be of minor importance, frequently develop into something serious.

"Even if there is merely the vaguest suspicion of something that's not right, it is possible that, by contacting us, you could be preventing a serious felony."

Sen Const Plummer told the meeting the region was the highest in the State for reported incidents of malicious damage, according to Mr Wilson.

Even so, she believed many incidents were not reported, he said.

For instance, although there were only five reported incidents in the Hardy's Bay-Killcare neighbourhoods throughout the month of March, those modest figures were viewed as a misrepresentation of the true state of affairs because many people were uncomfortable in contacting the police.

Mr Wilson said the calls were regarded as vital in assisting to stamp out crime and residents shouldn't be afraid to phone in.

The police wanted the public to pick up the phone and report all incidents, as they relied on them for information.

Weekly reports were closely studied and police allocated ' tasking ' personnel to certain areas as a result of the reports

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