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Collapse Issue 141 - 15 May 2006Issue 141 - 15 May 2006
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Free light bulbs

EnergyAustralia customers who live on the Peninsula will be offered a free pack of six energy-efficient light bulbs, which can save families around $300, according to Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews.

Ms Andrews said the "massive" giveaway was part of the State Government's plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Bulbs are available through Woy Woy and Umina Post Offices on presentation of a leaflet received with their EnergyAustralia account between now and the end of July.

"It will be easier for families to save money on their electricity bills, up to $300 over the life of these light bulbs," Ms Andrews said.

"These bulbs shine just as bright as standard bulbs, they last up to eight times longer and use up to 80 per cent less energy.

"Saving money is as simple as changing a light bulb.

"This is good news for our environment.

"If every EnergyAustralia customer accepted the offer, greenhouse gases could be cut by almost four million tonnes over the life of the globes.

"This is the same as taking more than one million cars off NSW roads for a year."

Under the light bulb giveaway each EnergyAustralia residential customer in NSW and the ACT will be offered a free pack of six energy efficient long-life compact fluorescent light globes.

The pack contains globes that are equivalent to 40 watt, 60 watt and 75 watt ordinary globes.

From May 1 through to the end of July, customers will be sent a leaflet in their electricity bills containing an offer for the free globes which customers need to sign and take it to either Woy Woy or Umina Post Offices

The light globes available from post offices have standard bayonet fittings.

Screw-in globes are also available and these can be collected from selected EnergyAustralia depots and offices.

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