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Collapse Issue 141 - 15 May 2006Issue 141 - 15 May 2006
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Masters' carnival held at pool

The Ettalong Pelicans swimming club hosted a Masters swimming carnival at the Peninsula Leisure Centre on April 29.

Over 250 swimmers, aged from their 20s to over 80, competed in 12 events in five year ages groups.

Clubs came from throughout the state, with Sydney and Hunter Valley clubs dominating.

"Ettalong had 27 members competing and, for quite a few of them, it was their first Masters carnival experience," said carnival organiser and director Mr Gordon Ferguson.

"Local swimmers who did well included Fred Elsom, Bill Cook, Irene Collins and Bill Heber.

"The point score was won by the strong Newcastle club, Novocastrians, that had 32 swimmers competing, followed by Cessnock, with Warringah third, and Ettalong fourth, out of the 29 clubs there.

"Star of the day was Lynette Stevenson of Blacktown who broke three National Masters records and a State record in the 60-64 age group.

"The Blacktown club clearly won the average point score."

Mr Ferguson said that Alan Brown of Tattersalls and Barbara Vickers of Manly set new National records, and six State records were set, including the 200metres Butterfly for men 45-49 by Cameron Horn of the Ettalong club.

"A highlight of the day was the 50mx8 swimmers Challenge Relay," Mr Ferguson said.

"In an exciting finish amidst loud encouragement, the Ettalong team just managed to hold out the fast finishing Novocastrians by less than a metre.

"The Peninsula Leisure Centre will be the venue for the State Masters Short Course Championships in October and the visitors were impressed with the pool facilities, the Centre staff and the organisation of the carnival.

Jan and John Hilton undertook computer work before and during the carnival.

Mr Ferguson said that the Ettalong Pelicans were still welcoming new members on Thursday nights at 7pm.

"Swimmers of all ages over 20, from plodders to champions are welcome to come for three sessions without paying to join," Mr Ferguson said.

For more information contact 4369 3194 or 4341 9897.

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