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Collapse Issue 141 - 15 May 2006Issue 141 - 15 May 2006
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Vernon Park to get child-proof gates

The Peninsula Families Action Group has secured a commitment from Gosford Council to install child-proof gates at Vernon Park, in Ryans Rd, Umina.

Group president Ms Sarah Tolmie said that Vernon Park would be the only fully-fenced and gated park on the Peninsula.

"It will offer peace of mind for many carers including grandparents, family day carers, parents with disabilities, and breastfeeding mothers with toddlers."

The Council plans to erect the new gates in the next few weeks.

Ms Tolmie said the decision would provide a much-needed safe haven for parents and carers with young children.

Ms Tolmie said it would also assist families with children with disabilities and special needs.

"One of our very first tasks as an action group was to get a fully-fenced, secure playground for the Peninsula," said Ms Tolmie.

"This commitment from Gosford Council will provide a safe play space for parents to bring their small children, without fear of them bolting onto the road.

"It is also an important resource for special needs groups."

The park will also benefit from a facelift thanks to a Work for the Dole project organized by the action group between welfare agency Choice Australia and Gosford Council.

Choice Australia, led by projects facilitator Mr Brad Thornton, is implementing this Work for the Dole project, called Beautifying Umina Beach and Peninsula.

It is funded by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

"The work will involve cleaning and repainting the play structure, some landscaping, re-mulching the swing set and creating a new border," said Mr Thornton.

"Work on cleaning up the park has already started, with Gosford Council supplying many of the resources and materials."

The action group is trying to secure additional improvements to the park from the council, including providing new toddler-friendly playground equipment, a disability swing and a tricycle track.

"The park is a beautiful tree-filled space and, with a bit of attention and more resources, it could be transformed into a special place for all to come and play safely," said Ms Tolmie.

"We'd still like to see the disability access improved and some more stimulating play equipment.

"We will continue to lobby and fundraise to ensure it happens."

The Peninsula Families Action Group is appealing to businesses for support by donating prizes for its fundraising raffles.

New members and volunteers are also welcome and should contact Sarah Tolmie on 0418 640 901.

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