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Collapse Issue 124 - 22 Aug 2005Issue 124 - 22 Aug 2005
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Expect councillors to be responsible and honest

I refer to the Peninsula Leisure Centre.

I find it amazing that people who are ratepayers in our community with genuine concerns with the cost of the recently completed Peninsula Leisure Centre and who wish to express those concerns are considered "knockers" and "baggers" by Cr Chris Holstein.

Well, after reading his recent comments, I think we do have a lot to be concerned about. Cr Holstein is quoted in the media as saying that this major multi-million dollar project is on budget.

This is blatantly misleading the public.

The project was supposed to cost the ratepayer $16 million.

When the project went to tender, the tender price by the construction company came back at $21.7 million.

It has now escalated to $25.5 million.

We know that $5 million came from the Peninsula's Open Space contribution fund but I would like to know where the rest of the money is coming from to pay the final costs.

Without a doubt, the facility is one of the largest aquatic facilities in NSW and will be widely utilized, we hope.

But please remember, the feasibility study prepared by Stratcorp Consultants in 2003 stated that the facility will run at a loss of half a million dollars a year.

But that study was prepared when council planned to lease the areas.

It is now reported in the media that council is going to run the centre themselves employing 45 people with added astronomical insurance costs.

That's adding roughly another $1.5 million in costs just in wages and who knows in insurance costs.

It's all very well for councillors to lambaste those who ask the difficult questions of Gosford Council.

But we expect them to be fiscally responsible and honest with the public.

It's our right as ratepayers.

It's our money that's paying for this.

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