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Collapse Issue 503:<br />21 Sep 2020<br />_____________Issue 503:
21 Sep 2020
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Recognised with life membership

The Empire Bay Progress Association has recognised the contribution of president Ms Carolen Barnipp with life membership.

Secretary Ms Sharon Murray said Ms Barnipp's nomination presented at the association's August meeting was endorsed unanimously.

"I have worked alongside Carolen and witnessed first-hand her commitment to all things Empire Bay," Ms Murray said.

"She is a selfless person and gives an incredible amount of her time, and passion into supporting community initiatives."

She said Ms Barnipp was a community member who was determined, compassionate and made great efforts to make the coast a better place for all residents.

Ms Barnipp joined the association as minutes secretary in 2013 and progressed to president in 2017, where she has secured grant funding for the hall and worked on various projects in the broader community.

Some of Ms Barnipp's community achievements included upgrades to Greenfield Rd, refurbishments to the community cenotaph, creation of a play space on Shelly Beach R d, and upgrades to the association's constitution.

She has also represented the community to all levels of government and organised fundraising initiatives like the Food and Fun Fair and Christmas BBQ'S.

Ms Barnipp is currently leading the Bus Seat Project which will provide additional bus seats and shelters for the local people.

Ms Barnipp was presented with a plaque and flowers, and her name will be added to the honour roll located in the community hall.

"We wanted to recognise her value to the community, and obviously to the association," Ms Murray said.

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