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Collapse Issue 503:<br />21 Sep 2020<br />_____________Issue 503:
21 Sep 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS

Changes approved for renovations at club

Changes to renovations at a Woy Woy licensed club have been approved by Central Coast Council.

The Everglades Country Club Ltd has successfully applied to Central Coast Council to amend its 2019 development consent for alterations and additions to the club at 9 Dunban Rd.

Council has agreed to modify the consent to change the materials used on the deck, redesign the roofed area and include a children's play area and putt putt golf area on part of an existing bowling green with covered cabanas.

A two-page statement in support of the application by McFadyen Architects Pty Ltd said the approved development proposal included alterations and additions to the existing club.

The approved development included a new covered and open timber decking entertainment area, new bar, cafe and preparation area and removal of existing toilet building, covered roof area, tensile roof and planters.

"The change of the roof design and introduction of the individual cabanas will create a more continuous and integrated external space for immediate use and for the future," the statement said.

"The amended proposal was developed as a result of the club management further developing an alternative design to provide better weather protection for the club patrons in winter and summer and to incorporate a more holistic philosophical approach, encouraging use of the club premises by a more diverse demographic with an emphasis on being child-friendly and contemporary in the available services.

"The concrete paving and stormwater drainage to the existing external areas will remain with the decking fixed to a low-profile batten system.

"The bushfire assessment for the new proposal does not change from the original proposal.

"As noted in the original statement of environmental effects, it is not anticipated there will be any detrimental effect to neighbouring amenity as there will be no overshadowing of adjacent premises, no visual impact and any acoustic impact from use of the children's playground area will be limited due to the separation distance to the dwellings to the west and buffering by existing building locations.

"The existing parking provision is generous and it is not anticipated there will be traffic generation issues resulting from the proposal.

"It is considered that the proposed development is substantially the same as the original development given its intended use despite some physical elements differing."

It is proposed to have seven-day trading in the alfresco area from 6.30am to 11pm and in the Child Play area and Putt Putt from 9am to 9pm.

The land has been classified as being under a "flood planning level" and subject to the imposition of a minimum floor level.

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