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Collapse Issue 503:<br />21 Sep 2020<br />_____________Issue 503:
21 Sep 2020
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Spend taxpayer and ratepayer money for all

I would like to congratulate Bruce Hyland of Woy Woy (Peninsula News 502, 7 September 2020) in relation to questions asking about the finance from Central Coast Council and where it would be spent.

As a person that sometimes shops at Woy Woy and going to the occasional breakfast, the old fish shop near the Bay View Hotel looks drab and is a disgusting area for the tourists to see.

The small access from Blackwall Rd to the station area needs to be developed and landscaped.

Let's get back to work and spend taxpayers and ratepayer money where the people expect, not for just a few.

If we in Australia want to have a decent country, we need people who will do the work without question and make it look exceptional for our tourists and locals alike.

All I see today are terrible developments with the cladding that is in question, rubbish is everywhere in the streets and, even though some citizens don't seem to care, the Central Coast can be made an example to the state and nation if we put our minds to it.

May I suggest that if you have older furniture and bikes, please contact the St Vincent de Paul Society, or other organisations that could help, instead of leaving it outside for weeks on end to have vermin and other problems for the community at large.

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