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Work starts on Woy Woy wharf

Work has started on temporary modifications to the commercial wharf at Woy Woy, with the main wharf redevelopment due to start in June.

The first stage will see the construction of a new floating pontoon which will be used by all ferry services during the second stage.

The second stage is expected to start with work on the eastern side of the commercial wharf and in the vicinity of Woy Woy Fishermen's Wharf, including a sandstone block seawall and landscaping.

Central Coast Council allocated $1.7 million in its current budget towards stage two of the redevelopment which is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Ferry services will continue as scheduled during the construction period.

Woy Woy is the largest wharf project undertaken by council.

The completed project will have a floating pontoon that will rise with the tides and ensure access for vessels in most tides and weather conditions.

Accessibility for wheelchair users and other mobility devices has been a priority in the design and there will be a wheelchair lifting facility on the pontoon for recreational boat users.

Other keys elements of the redeveloped wharf will be a covered gangway and passenger shelter, dedicated fishing wharf, smart benches with mobile phone charging capability, solar lighting, a walkway decking surface made from recycled plastic and a widened pathway including cantilevered section along part of The Boulevarde and Brisbane Water Dr.

The overall $5.3 million project has also received State Government funding of $3.9 million through the Regional Communities Development Fund.

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