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One Peninsula store listed in Council's Love Local guide

Central Coast Council has launched a series of Love Local online guides with the aim of supporting local businesses throughout the coronavirus downturn.

However, only one of the 23 businesses on the Council's Love Local Guide to "Boutiques and bespoke retailers, delivering to your door" is listed as Peninsula-based.

It is Amour Fashion, described as a "corner store in Ettalong. They might have closed their doors temporarily, though are still online with free shipping for local deliveries".

Council Director Ms Julie Vaughan said: "The guides help our residents see how they can buy local and support their local business to help keep them and our local economy going - now and into recovery."

Mayor Cr Lisa Matthews said Council was dedicating resources to help local businesses withstand the effects of the pandemic and keep them connected with the community.

"All these local businesses are hurting and have been impacted by the government guidelines about non-essential travel.

"Locally, we can all do our bit to help our local businesses survive without visitors and I encourage everyone to look local and buy local where you can.

"Our Love Local guides can help you find businesses that have shifted their services and sales online, or are safely providing their goods now either by takeaway or home delivery," Cr Matthews said.

View the Love Local guides can be found at

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