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Council approves four townhouses

Central Coast Council has approved the construction of four townhouses at 23 Allfield Rd, Woy Woy.

There will be four three-bedroom townhouses in the double-storey building and five on-site car parking spaces.

A development application assessment report said plans were amended to increase the rear setback and separation between neighbouring buildings, redesign the front fence and amend the water tanks.

The report said the increased rear setback allowed new landscaping and redesign of the upper floor of unit four offered more privacy for neighbours.

To improve privacy and reduce potential noise problems for neighbours to the north, a canopy tree will be planted to provide a buffer and create a greener outlook while main courtyards were re-oriented to the east rather than the north.

Amended plans included a reduced fence height to 1.5m and set back to allow shrubs along the front to soften the streetscape.

The house on the block will be demolished to make way for the $800,000 development.

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