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Package will keep childcare services open, says Wicks

Member for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks has said that the Federal Government's early childhood support package would ensure as many local childcare and early learning services as possible would keep their doors open for workers and vulnerable families who need these services.

"These services are vital for so many parents so they can provide for their family.

"Children need familiarity and continuity and we are doing what we can to assist families during this unsettling time."

Ms Wicks also gave assurances that there would be arrangements to waive gap fees for families who keep their children home.

"If you have terminated your enrolment since 17 February, then I encourage you to get back in contact with your centre and re-start your arrangements.

"Re-starting your enrolment will not require you to send your child to childcare, and it certainly won't require you to pay a gap fee.

"Re-starting your enrolment will, however, hold your place for that point in time when things start to normalise, and you are ready to take your child back to their centre."

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