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Collapse Issue 491:<br />30 Mar 2020<br />_____________Issue 491:
30 Mar 2020
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School subscribes to online learning programs

Woy Woy South Public School has taken out paid subscriptions to five online learning programs that students are encouraged to take advantage of while they are at home: Mathsonline, Reading Eggs, Prodigy Maths, Worldbook Online and Typing Tournament.

The school rolled out its hard copy work booklet earlier in March, according to principal Mr Matt Barr.

Mr Barr said the school would also be making use of Google Classrooms.

"All classes are connected to Google Classroom.

"This is a platform where teachers can upload suggested activities and will be useful in the event of a long-term closure.

"Teachers have provided students and families with passwords and instructions on how to access this resource along with the five other platforms.

"A video on how to access Google Classroom will also be uploaded to the school Facebook page," Mr Barr said.

Mr Barr advised that the school will not be producing updated workbooks, with online learning being the preferred method instead.

He advised parents: "For further information from your classroom teacher, please call the school office and the teacher will return your call as soon as possible.

"As a staff we really appreciate the support, we are receiving from our school community," Mr Barr said.

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